Wednesday, June 30, 2010


A- apple pie, yummy

M- mountains as in "The Rockies"

E- enterprising, as in "Edison"

R- Rockwell as in "Norman"

I- ice cream, cool,creamy and sweet

C- churches with big white steeples and cookouts with hot dogs on the grill

A- alot of red, white and blue

Have a very wonderful July 4th. Enjoy being an American. The United States still the greatest nation in the world.
A thousand kisses, Jodi

Monday, June 28, 2010


1. I'm starving to death. (yea right)

2. I'm so angry I could spit. (yuck)

3. I slept like a log last night. (really, I didn't know logs slept)

4. I'm more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. (smile)

5. I'm as poor as a church mouse. (it can't be THAT bad)

6. He's as dumb as a rock. (poor guy)

7. He was on me like a cheap suit. (huh?)

8. Nobody here but us chickens. (oh boy, now I'm fowl)

9. I couldn't find myself out of a brown paper bag. (true)

10. I was crying like a baby. (whah,whah,whah)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Things I Don't Like

1. Rap
2. Tailgaters
3. Beets
4. Rain On Weekends
5. Laziness
6. Supersized Food
7. Centipedes
8. Commercials
9. Super Spoiled Children Who Talk Back To Their Parents
10. Public Toliets

more to come, Jodi

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Things I Love

1. My dog, Puddy
2. Where I live, the country
3. My wig
4. My worn out, overly highlighted Bible.
5. Fish Tacos
6. My Ma
7. Curves
8. McDonalds large unsweetened iced tea
9. My car, a Toyota Selaro
10. A good book- A Thousand Splendid Suns

more later, Jodi

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Power Of Words

Hello my friends,
I want to share with you something I have discovered. The words you speak over your life have matter, and can actually materialize. Throughout my lifetime I have seen this time and time again. Always speak positive affirmations over everything and everybody. When you are sick, say out loud that you are heeled. When your checking account is low, give thanks out loud for the windfall that is coming. If the news is pushing the recession, say out loud, "Not for me!" If your car breaks down, don't call it a stupid piece of crap, because that is what it will become. Instead give praise for the good things about it. Never, never, never put your children down. Always, always, lift them up, up, up.
Words are mighty. Thoughts are mighty. Speak and think mighty stuff everyday over everyone and everything in your life. Do this without ceasing. Plant good seed, give it time to grow and reap the wonderful reward of a good life. Say it and spray it.
A thousand kisses, Jodi

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wigged Out

Hello my friends,
Well I did it. I was very leery at first. I finally gave in. I bought a wig. I know. I know what you're thinking. A wig. Yuck. But guess what? I love it. I really, really love love love it.
Being in the hospital so many months, and being on so many meds, my hair fell right out. Everyday I lost more and more hair. I started to feel bad about myself.I was ashamed to go in public, but that no longer is true.
I tried on alot of ugly wigs. I almost gave up. It's like magic when the right one comes along. It is light weight and cool. The style is edgy and the color is nice.
If you are having trouble with thinning hair, Don't be afraid to try a wig. I'm glad I did.
A thousand kisses, Jodi

Monday, June 14, 2010

Words To Live By

Kind hearts are the garden,

Kind thoughts are the roots,

Kind words are the flowers'

Kind deeds are the fruits.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bad Dream

Hello my friends, What a beautiful day. I had a horrible dream a few nights ago. I was jumped by two men wearing lab coats and they shaved my hair off using a knife. One of the men had a woman's head under his jacket. It was soooo scary. I woke up in a lather. Since my illness, I have been losing my hair. I'm balding on top. I'm thinking about a wig to get me through. My dream probably came from my hair problem, and the lab coat guys have to be my doctors. How do I deal with bad dreams? I'll tell you. Jesus said," Let not your heart be troubled." When I get afraid, I repeat this simple phrase over and over until I feel better. It is comforting to me. Next time you start to panic from something, remember, "Let not your heart be troubled."
a thousand kisses, Jodi