Friday, September 12, 2008

Bad Day

Hello my friends on dialysis.  Did you have a bad day today?  I did.

I got stuck 4 times this morning because my techs were evidently having a bad day too.

At least it's Friday, and I have an extra day to heal.  I'm sure I'll have purple bruises.  They take forever to go away.  If this happens to you post a comment.   I'd love to hear about it.  (Boo Hoo)

"Hey Misery, your Company is here!"

Anyhoo.  It's really not always the technicians fault.  (yeah right!)  I know that blaming someone always feels better, but sometimes we just have to suck it up, put on a little ice, and bitch to everyone we see....."Oh man...stupid techs...bad stuck 4 times...bummer."

Let me know how many times you got stuck today.

A hundred hugs and a thousand kisses....your friend, Jodi

1 comment:

Anita said...

Hey, I wish my husband could have been your nurse. He is amazing at cannulating avf's. He is the Clinical Nurse Coordinator at an accute unit. You have a unbeleivable attitude. It is so positive and encouraging. May God Continue to give you strength and use you in a mighty way.