Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I rarely get colds and I think it is because I have a tried and true method for taking care of them.This is my COLD CURE.

1. As soon as symptoms develop, drink a small glass of orange juice.

2.Have a piece of toast and begin taking 2 extra strength Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours.

3. Go directly to bed with a heating pad set on medium.

4. Rub your chest with Vick's vapo rub.

5. Suck on Hall Mentho Liptus drops, about 1 every 3 hours.

6. Eat hot chicken noodle soup for the rest of the day.

7. Sip on ginger ale in the afternoon.

8. Start your day and end your day with a steaming cup of hot tea. Add lemon and honey.

9.Absolutely stay indoors and maintain a constant body temperature.

I know my remedy sounds a bit old fashioned, but it works for me every time. The key to success is staying indoors, keeping warm and getting plenty of rest. In 2 days time you should be well on your way to good health. If however you develop vomiting or diahhrea accompanied by a fever, call your Doctor. You may need an antibiotic.

Stay well, hi to Mike, Linda, Unk, and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my gorgeous nephew Not so little any more Donnie, Love love love you all Jodi

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