Friday, April 24, 2009

Are You Shortening Your Dialysis Time?

Dialysis treatments replace less than 15% of the normal 100% of kidney function. Cutting them short is a very bad idea. If you don't receive enough of your blood cleansing treatment, it will retain too much of the body's waste products that cause uremia and will make you feel sick.


* weak and tired all the time
* loss of real weight
* poor appetite
* nausea
* taste of ammonia in your mouth
* yellow skin color
* uremic pericarditis (inflammation of the heart)
* higher risk of infection and prolonged bleeding


* feel pretty good
* eat and enjoy their meals
* have normal weight
* have good skin color
* feels good on treatment day
* sleeps well


* a large enough dialyzer
* a high enough blood flow
* a well functioning vascular access
* enough time on the machine

Take care of your body and it will last a lifetime. Love,Love,Love You friend, Jodi
Hi to Linda my old dialysis cronie.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I rarely get colds and I think it is because I have a tried and true method for taking care of them.This is my COLD CURE.

1. As soon as symptoms develop, drink a small glass of orange juice.

2.Have a piece of toast and begin taking 2 extra strength Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours.

3. Go directly to bed with a heating pad set on medium.

4. Rub your chest with Vick's vapo rub.

5. Suck on Hall Mentho Liptus drops, about 1 every 3 hours.

6. Eat hot chicken noodle soup for the rest of the day.

7. Sip on ginger ale in the afternoon.

8. Start your day and end your day with a steaming cup of hot tea. Add lemon and honey.

9.Absolutely stay indoors and maintain a constant body temperature.

I know my remedy sounds a bit old fashioned, but it works for me every time. The key to success is staying indoors, keeping warm and getting plenty of rest. In 2 days time you should be well on your way to good health. If however you develop vomiting or diahhrea accompanied by a fever, call your Doctor. You may need an antibiotic.

Stay well, hi to Mike, Linda, Unk, and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my gorgeous nephew Not so little any more Donnie, Love love love you all Jodi

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Sayings To Live By

*If you take care of your body, it will last a lifetime.

*Something is wrong when kids run wild and dogs go to obedience school.

*How to get to heaven- turn right and go straight.

*Be a busy body not a busybody.

*3 stages of life- youth, middle age, and "you look great!"

*Be interested in the future, you're going to spend the rest of your life there.

*Tough times never last, tough people do!

Have a great day, Hi Linda, Love Jodi

Friday, April 10, 2009

Guess What?

Hello to all my friends out there who stayed with me since November. My dear friend who does my blogging for me was having some personal problems, but the blog will be posted regularly from now on I promise.

GUESS WHAT? I am now a business woman. I bought a CURVES franchise from my boss and now I am the boss. That is also why I have been so busy. Curves is the greatest thing to happen to me. It improved my quality of life in so many ways. I have never been happier.

Many people tried to poo-poo my dream. Many people tried to make me feel like I could not do this because weeellll there are always many many many reasons why you shouldn't do something. There will always be someone who will try to steal your joy and squash you. The cemetary is full of dreams that never happened. Don't let that be you. No matter what your situation is........ If you have an idea, a wish, a hope for something else.....birth it! Believe me, it will be laborous, but it is the most satisfying pain you will ever go through.

I know times are tough. Shut off the news and make your move. Now is the time for action. Dialysis patients have alot of time on our hands. Use it wisely and productively. YOU are still an influence on this Earth. GOD has a plan for YOU.

I love you all. Thanks for staying around. A hundred hugs and a thousand kisses,
Your friend, Jodi

P.S. Hello to my Unk who believes in me and made me an influence in this crazy world.