Monday, August 30, 2010

Fast Food

Hello my friends...why does junkie,salty,overly processed fast food...taste so damn good? This stuff is loaded with heart clogging no good for the many calories, tons of fat...but so fast,tasty and cheap...and you don't even have to get out of your car...dollar for the border...big mack attack...smoothies,coolatas,frappes...flame broiled beauties...drop the chalupa...golden lizard lizard lizard...I can't believe I ate the whole thing...everyone goes to Pizza Joe's...eleven herbs and spices...yummy bad food...chicken nuggets...finger lickin reality...when it comes to good eatin...there's no place like home. Be good my friends, Jodi...lover of Taco Bell.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Hello my friends,

Prayer comes in many forms. Sometimes we pray for things. We hope God will bless us with a windfall of money or material items. We pray for the perfect partner, for love. We pray for good health, and for the sick, and even for the dead. We pray for our families, our friends, and the world.
Sometimes we talk to God like he's our roommate. We lay it on the line. We bargain, we plead, "if you answer this prayer, I'll go to church every Sunday for the rest of my life." We make plans and God laughs.
Sometimes we say very scripted memorized prayers. "Thou shalt this and thou shalt that." We Catholics do novenas. Nine prayers for nine days. Don't ask.
What we should really do is thank God for all of the unanswered prayers. Think back to some of them. Some of mine were pretty stupid, almost petty. How bout it? God knows what's best for us. Trust in him. Allow Him to lead the way. He is our Father, He wants the best for us. What kind of a father would want his child to be sick, hungry, penniless and sad? A real devil of a dad that's who. Get where I'm going?
I'm going to teach you the shortest prayer there is. It only has two words...Thank You.
With love, Jodi

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Katie's Kitchen

Jalapeno Popper Dip

2-8oz.pkgs. cream cheese
1 cup mayonnaise
1-4oz. can chopped green chilies,drained
1-4oz. can chopped jalapenos, no need to drain
1/3 cup shredded parmesan cheese

Combine first 4 ingredients and spread in baking pan. Top with cheese, bake at 350 degrees or until cheese starts to brown.

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Do change the oil in your car regularly.

Do practice good hygiene.

Do floss only those teeth you want to keep.

Do wear your seatbelt.

Do praise the Lord everyday.

Do treat your guests like family, and your family like guests.

Do become an expert at something.

Do have a favorite charity.

Do treat your pets like royalty.

Do park far from the door, and walk.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Don't ever drive drunk or dizzy.

Don't ever hoard animals or junk.

Don't ever sleep your life away.

Don't ever get a tattoo.

Don't ever stuff yourself.

Don't ever rage on the road.

Don't ever use the "F" or the "N" words.

Don't ever over medicate yourself.

Don't ever feed wild animals.

Don't ever poop your pants in public.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sister, Sister

Hello Sister....yes know who i'm talkin bout....what would i do without a sister like you? I could never take care of Ma without you....i would be are so patient with do you do it? i want to smother her with a pillow sometimes....even though i love her....alot. I know you hate to hear about my private listen because you are a good sister....i've been was a phase. Sister,sister i'm glad you're my sissy....i like our shopping trips....lunch is my favorite part....i really enjoyed the day we went cruising for Amish men....they were really into you. With a bath and some dental, they wouldn't be half bad. Sister, you ended up being an excellent cook....really yummy sauce....well done! You are a good wife too. If that nut was my husband, i'd have to leave him on the side of the road....just pulling your chain Dan, you know you are my favorite....i love you....Sister, you are a great mummy to Dai. She's a toughie....i could never handle her....but then again you are very patient. You are a great gal, a good daughter, a wonderful friend to all, an animal lover, a big softie, the best sister. Sister! Sister....sissy, sister....sister, sister, sister. Love you, your sister,sister....Jodi

Friday, August 13, 2010

Being Strong

Hello to all my many friends,

A very long time ago when I was around 20, one of my best college chums told me this...."what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" the time, I really didn't get it....but now I do.

As I look over my life, and all the battles I have fought with my illness, makes this statement absolutely true. I am proud to be a survivor, and I am proud of the scars I have, because they remind me of my strength. I am a fighter, and as long as I am able,I will continue to fight the brave fight....and grow stronger because it didn't kill me.

I know you are facing strong....and fearlessly climb them....if I can do it, you can too....believe can do go....and live.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America....and to the Republic....for which it nation....under God....indivisible....with liberty and justice for all.

I bet you haven't said this in a very long time. What a beautifully poetic pledge. We need to start showing more respect for our flag and country. It seems to be one big joke anymore. I'll tell you what isn't funny. WWI,WWII,Korea,Vietnam,The Gulf,Iraq and the worst war of all time....the Civil War....where brother fought against brother to save people from slavery. It might not be perfect, but it's the best we got.