Friday, August 27, 2010


Hello my friends,

Prayer comes in many forms. Sometimes we pray for things. We hope God will bless us with a windfall of money or material items. We pray for the perfect partner, for love. We pray for good health, and for the sick, and even for the dead. We pray for our families, our friends, and the world.
Sometimes we talk to God like he's our roommate. We lay it on the line. We bargain, we plead, "if you answer this prayer, I'll go to church every Sunday for the rest of my life." We make plans and God laughs.
Sometimes we say very scripted memorized prayers. "Thou shalt this and thou shalt that." We Catholics do novenas. Nine prayers for nine days. Don't ask.
What we should really do is thank God for all of the unanswered prayers. Think back to some of them. Some of mine were pretty stupid, almost petty. How bout it? God knows what's best for us. Trust in him. Allow Him to lead the way. He is our Father, He wants the best for us. What kind of a father would want his child to be sick, hungry, penniless and sad? A real devil of a dad that's who. Get where I'm going?
I'm going to teach you the shortest prayer there is. It only has two words...Thank You.
With love, Jodi

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