Friday, October 1, 2010

organize and simplify your life

a. every night make a list of things you have to do...cross them off as you do them...
add whatever you couldn't finish to the next days list

b. keep a running list of things needed at the store...label the store and mark it if you have a coupon...keep lists and coupons together

c. every night lay out your clothes...pack snacks or lunch...load up the car...prepare coffee, breakfast and medicines

d. ready the dog and cat food and water dishes...add extra time to take them outside to do their business

e. run errands in a sensible manner, save on gas

f. do a load of laundry a day

g. while chatting on the phone, clean out a drawer

h. every week when gathering the garbage, clear the fridge of old stuff and quickly wipe clean

i. take any unused articles to goodwill

j. as soon as the mail comes sort it and throw away the junk

k. keep all "like things" together, everything should have its' place

l. clean and organize one closet at a time

m. get rid of stuff you don't need anymore

n. make extra food and freeze it for later

o. keep a calendar on the front of the fridge marked with important dates

p. post notes as reminders and you'll never forget

q. return calls right away

r. do not procrastinate

s. take a 10 minute power nap when needed

t. scrub the toilet and sink bowls quickly every day to keep the bathroom fresh

u. change your bed every other week or as needed, have extra sheets to interchange

v. when chatting on the phone, dust the furniture and wipe the mirrors

w. organize cd's, books, magazines, videos and games

x. organize photos into albums and frames

y. keep favorite recipes together

z. take special care of holiday decorations when storing away

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