Friday, August 14, 2009

Movie Time

Hello all my friends,

Being on dialysis means trying to occupy yourself with other things, since many hours are spent at the machine or other related medical activities. I always enjoy loosing myself in a good book or a blockbuster of a movie. Unfortunately, Hollywood has let us down.Anyone with $20,000 in their pocket can make a movie,that will actually end up in your local theater. Worthy of the price of admission? I think not.There are some sleepers out there, and I will try to clue you in.

I just saw Burn After Reading. Brad Pitt. John Malkovich. The lady from Fargo,that is from Pittsburgh.
Dark,strange,dramedy,(dramatic-comedy).Loved it.Second time around is even better.
I say watch it twice. The casting is really good. I rate it 2 happy meals and an apple pie. See you at the movies.......Jodi

1 comment:

Tami Weingartner said...

Don't see the Time Traveler's Wife without me!!!!!

PS...Saturday night was fun!