Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Tough Times

Hello my dialysis friends,

I have a confession to make. I just don't feel like going to dialysis anymore. Yep, you heard me, I don't wanna go. What a drag. I guess I am in a rut. You know the kind, where you feel like.....crap. I've had alot of drama lately, work has been tough,summer is over and I never even enjoyed it. Cold,dark,lonely winter is fast approaching.

It is very easy to be happy and brave when everything is going good.The tough times show us what we are really made of. If we fold when the hard times fall,what does that say about us?

What I have to do, is dig down deep, find my center,my faith,and decide if I still have a fight in me. We can't be quitters when things are down. Depression is a battle.
It seeks to destroy lives.

There is a hero living inside of you, that will fight the good fight....let's show everybody what we are made of. Love,Jodi

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