Friday, April 30, 2010


Hello my friends,
Summertime is alot different for dialysis patients than wintertime. Winter makes us feel very cold and uncomfortable. We comfort ourselves with rich,warm dishes, soups and steamy hot drinks. We don't get a fair amount of exercise, and have the tendency to become like couch potatos. We can easily gain more weight and more fluid, making our treatments a little harder. Cold and flu season also plays havic with our health. Our immune systems are compromised and we are germ targets.

Summertime on the other hand is a time where we can enjoy the warmth of the sun, which is very good for us. We gain vitamin D, and it is a mood lifter. We can drink a little more, because we are sweating more and we are much more active. It's easier to exercise and go for walks or go for a swim. Summertime is a fun time to do a little traveling or visiting. It's a good time to stop, relax and smell the flowers. Outdoor activities are everywhere. Enjoy.
A thousand kisses, Jodi

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