Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Fears

Hello my friends,
Let my tell you what I'm most afraid of other than tornadoes,drug addicts,and bears. Since the tender age of 19, I've lived under a cloud of death. I struggle daily to survive. I'm a fighter, and I never give up. My fear is the fight. What is coming next? What is the next battle, will I be the Victor? Will the doctors be able to pull me through the next catastrophie?
My fears have more to do with living than dying. They say living is hard, and dying is easy.I believe this, because I know how tough it has been and how easy it is to throw in the towel. As I continue to grow older, I don't bounce back as quickly as I did in my 20's and 30's.
I have vowed to push myself as much as I can, and as long as I do, I'm going to have to put up a brave front and a good fight. I'm not looking forward to it but,I want to go on.
The bible says everyone dies once. It also says being absent from the body is being present in the Lord.
A thousand kisses, Jodi

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