Friday, June 18, 2010

The Power Of Words

Hello my friends,
I want to share with you something I have discovered. The words you speak over your life have matter, and can actually materialize. Throughout my lifetime I have seen this time and time again. Always speak positive affirmations over everything and everybody. When you are sick, say out loud that you are heeled. When your checking account is low, give thanks out loud for the windfall that is coming. If the news is pushing the recession, say out loud, "Not for me!" If your car breaks down, don't call it a stupid piece of crap, because that is what it will become. Instead give praise for the good things about it. Never, never, never put your children down. Always, always, lift them up, up, up.
Words are mighty. Thoughts are mighty. Speak and think mighty stuff everyday over everyone and everything in your life. Do this without ceasing. Plant good seed, give it time to grow and reap the wonderful reward of a good life. Say it and spray it.
A thousand kisses, Jodi

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