Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prayer Power

Prayer is the spiritual communication between ourselves and the divine.  It is impossible to pray without living faith in the presence of God.  Praying are our souls sending "knee-mail".  When a prayer is created on Earth, actions begin in heaven.  For prayers to be heard, we must listen.  Are we speaking too much, that we do not hear?  The most important line in the Lord's Prayer is, "Thy will be done."  Say this with surrender, and peace will fill you.

It is written that Jesus rose early every moring and went off by himself to pray.  We remember his final cry, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"  How many of us have uttered the same?

The 23rd Psalm always comforts me.  It begins, "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want..."  ending with "...Yea thou I walk through the valley of death, I fear no evil for thou are with me."  We've all been there, and what a beautiful way to consider our own mortality.

Daily, I pray this prayer that sits on my nightstand.  "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."  Because god clearly hears the cries of the heart; the fewer the words, the better the prayer.  Ben Franklin once said, "Work as if you were to live 100 years, Pray as if you were to die tomorrow."  In conclusion we pray, "O heavenly Father, protect and bless all things that have breath; guard them from all evil, and let them sleep in peace."

In Memory of Ron Thomas, Jodi

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