Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm pissed

I must say what's on my mind. I get sicker and sicker of seeing 95+ people starting dialysis. It breaks my heart to hear these poor elderly folks crying," why am I here or what are you doing to me or where am I?" What is wrong with the families of these people. Do they really want them to suffer, to keep them here? I don't know. In order to let the families off the hook, these greedy Doctors need to let go too, but they can't.....they are blinded by dollar signs.

By the time we live to be 90 something years old, I would pretty much bet things are gonna slow down or stop working....wouldn't you?

These poor old people,These selfish families,These money grubbin doctors....nobody wins. The Doctors are laughin all the way to the bank, but their also going to have to answer to God. It takes a real heartless person to put someone through this for financial gain. It pisses me off and makes me sick.

It will never happen to me because when I say I've had enough......I'm done..... and the Doctors can eat dirt!

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