Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Pet Peeves

1. I hate when people don't use their turn signals. How am I supposed to know you're gonna turn?

2. Old people who cut in line and pretend they don't know what their doing. Yea right.

3. Grown professional people who make a mistake and say "MY BAD".......give me a break,only a fool would talk like that.

4. Terminally late people.

5. People who save seats at church like whole pews. C'mon give me a break. Sit your butt down and say your prayers.

6. People who blast the horn at you if the light turns green and you don't go right away. I hate those idiots. They must have to poop really bad.

7. People who don't take care of their animals. Creepy creeps.

8. Athletes who get paid kazillions of dollars for playing games.

9. People who look at Obama like he's the new black Jesus.

10. Catholics who give the Pope the power of God.


Tami Weingartner said...

Jod....a couple of those are just!

The Machine & Me said...

Yea Tam, but you know it's true...
I hate those people who go driving when they really should have stayed home and had a bowel movement. Jodi

stacy said...