Friday, July 23, 2010

Heat Warnings

Hello my friends,
The high temperatures right now are very dangerous to everyone especially those with health related problems. Staying inside is the best thing to do. I know that is so boring, but it only takes a second to become overwhelmed by the heat and humidity. Air conditioning is almost a necessity today. What did we all do in the old days? I can't remember. Please,please,please take special care of your critters. They are depending on YOU to keep them cool, comfortable, and well watered. Do not take them in the car. In seconds they can experience heat stroke and permanent brain damage. Don't be a stupid fool.
Things to keep you cool. Swimming pools, popsicles, iced tea, lemonade, fans, movie theaters, cold watermelon, big shade tree, waterslides, ice bags, the mall, speed boats,jet skis,and the best thing of all...air conditioning!
That's all folks. Heed the messenger. Why not go to Wally World and pick up a cheap baby pool to dunk your feet in while enjoying an ice cold beer. Love, Jodi

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