Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Brother Mike

People often wonder if a person who is very sick and out of it can hear if you are talking to them. Take it from me, the person can hear. When I was "out of it" I heard alot of things, but the person I heard the most was my brother, Mike. He is my older brother and is always there for all the family. He was the one that kept telling me that I was going to have my respirator removed and then I was going to get out of bed and then I was going to get to eat regular food and drink and then when I got strong enough I was going home. I always could hear him talking and talking to me. I used to think to myself...this is never going to happen, but it did. Everything he told me came true. It took months and months and months, but it did come to pass. It is funny how I can hardly remember anything, but to this day I can hear Mike's voice...always positive and encouraging me to hang in. I'm sure that was hard to do because things looked very bleak for me. It was a miracle I pulled through. I truly believe if it wasn't for my family and friends I would have let go. I was so tired. I wanted to go to sleep forever. I was even too tired to go to heaven. I just wanted to sleep.

My family is so important to me. I trust them all with my life. My mom, my brothers, my sister, my sister-in-laws, and all my great uncles. Some families go their separate ways, but my family is there always, even if we don't always get along. My brother Mike is the big toe. He was always the leader. Just ask my brother Donnie who followed him everywhere. I have really good memories of Mike and I still living at home and enjoying our morning talks over his coffee and my tea. We had alot of fun growing up. Mike likes to boat. Going boating is the best.

I am thankful to have a good brother like Mike. He took me to my arm surgery last week and we actually had a decent time. We can find humor in almost anything. That's what I like about Mike the most...he is really very funny.

Lot's of laughs, lot's of love, Jodi

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